Semantic Web Challenge
Accepted Papers:
A semantic web application for expert knowledge sharing, discovery, and integration |
Steven Kraines, Weisen Guo, Brian Kemper, Yutaka Nakamura |
Semantics-based Automatic Metadata Tracking and Service Insertion in Geospatial Web Service Composition |
Peng Yue, Liping Di, Wenli Yang, Genong Yu, Peisheng Zhao |
PaperPuppy: Sniffing the Trail of Semantic Web Publications |
Jennifer Golbeck, Yarden Katz, Daniel Krech, Aaron Mannes, Taowei David Wang, James Hendler |
Semantic Interoperability Global Network System (SIGNS) |
Mary C. Parmelee, Tim Tschampel |
A Semantic Web Services GIS based Emergency Management Application |
Vlad Tanasescu, Alessio Gugliotta, John Domingue, Rob Davies, Leticia Gutiérrez-Villarías, Mary Rowlatt, Marc Richardson, Sandra Stinčić |
Foafing the Music: Bridging the semantic gap in music recommendation
Oscar Celma |
MultimediaN E-Culture demonstrator |
Guus Schreiber, Alia Amin, Mark van Assem, Victor de Boer, Lynda Hardman, Michiel Hildebrand, Laura Hollink, Zhisheng Huang, Janneke van Kersen, Marco de Niet, Borys Omelayenko, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Ronny Siebes, Jos Taekema, Jan Wielemaker, Bob Wielinga |
Dartgrid: a Semantic Web Toolkit for Integrating Heterogeneous Relational Databases |
Huajun Chen, Yimin Wang, Zhaohui Wu, Meng Cui, Ainin Yin, Heng Wang, Yuxin Mao, Jinmin Tang, and Cunyin Zhou |
PressIndex: a Semantic Web Press Clipping Application |
Florence Amardeilh, Olivier Carloni, Laurence Noël |
Semantic MediaWiki |
Markus Krötzsch, Denny Vrandecic, Max Völkel |
Collimator – Collaborative Image Annotator & Visual Concept Map Generator |
Alireza Kashian, Mehdi Milanifard, Hashem Tatari |
Falcon-S: An Ontology-Based Approach to Searching Objects and Images in the Soccer Domain |
Honghan Wu, Gong Cheng, Yuzhong Qu |
COHSE: Knowledge-Driven Hyperlinks |
Sean Bechhofer, Yeliz Yesilada, Bernard Horan |
Enabling Semantic Web communities with DBin: an overview |
Giovanni Tummarello, Christian Morbidoni, Michele Nucci |
Semantic Web Challenge
The Semantic Web Challenge organizers invite proposals for the
Semantic Web Challenge of 2006, where participants have the chance
to demonstrate the possibilities of current Semantic Web technologies
through end-user applications. Since a number of ontology languages,
storage facilities, reasoning engines, etc. have become widely
available, now is the time to develop integrated, useful and
attractive applications that convincingly demonstrate the benefits
of semantics for a wider audience. The best applications will
receive an award (see below).
Specific Goal for Semantic Web Challenge 2006
Everyone from academia and industry is invited to submit applications
that illustrate the possibilities of the Semantic Web. The applications
should integrate, combine, and deduce information from various
sources to assist users in performing specific tasks. The submissions
should at least satisfy the minimal requirements for a Semantic
Web Application and preferably exhibit some of the additional
desires. Although we expect that most applications will use RDF,
RDF Schema, and OWL, this is not an official requirement.
Furthermore, Semantic Web applications should be written in
a true Web spirit, open to supporting reuse even in situations
that have not been foreseen by the original authors. Thus a specific,
additional goal of the Semantic Web Challenge 2006 is motivating
participants to provide standard compliant web interfaces to
the data and services provided by their applications, e.g. in
the form of RSS feeds, SPARQL endpoints, REST or Web Services
Minimal Requirements
A Semantic Web Application has to meet the following minimal
- First, the information sources used should be geographically
distributed, should have diverse ownerships (i.e. there is
no control of evolution), should be heterogeneous (syntactically,
structurally, and semantically), and should contain real world
data, i.e. are more than toy examples.
- It is required that all applications assume an open world,
i.e. assume that the information is never complete.
- Finally, the applications should use some formal description
of the meaning of the data.
Additional Desires
Besides the minimal criteria, a number of desires are formulated.
The more desires are met,the higher an application can score.
The desires are:
- The application uses data sources for other purposes or
in another way than originally intended
- Using the contents of multi-media documents
- Accessibility in multiple languages
- Other applications than pure information retrieval
- Combination of static and dynamic knowledge (e.g. combination
of static ontologies and dynamic workflows)
- The results should be as accurate as possible (e.g. use
a ranking of results according to validity)
- The application should be scalable (in terms of the amount
of data used and in terms of distributed components working
How to participate
Visit in order to participate
and register for the Semantic Web Challenge by submitting the
required information as well as a link to the application on
the online registration form. The form will be open until July
14, 2006, 12pm CET. The requirements of this entry are:
1) Abstract: no more than 200 words.
2) Description: The description will show details of the system
including why the system is innovative, which features or functions
the system provides, what design choices were made and what lessons
were learned. Papers should not exceed eight pages and must be
formatted according to the same guidelines as the papers in the
Research Track (see Formatting Guidelines).
3) Web access: The application should be accessible via the
web. If the application is not publicly accessible, passwords
should be provided. We also ask to provide a (short) instruction
on how to start and use the application.
Accepted descriptions will be published in the conference proceedings.
The prizes for the winners will be available as travel support
and book vouchers. The winners will also be asked to give a live
demonstration of their application at the ISWC 2006 conference.
The best applications will also have a chance to appear as full
papers in the Journal of Web Semantics.

Important Dates
- July 14, 2006: Paper submissions due
- August 7, 2006: Notification of acceptance
- August 21, 2006: Camera-ready papers due
- November 5 - 9, 2006: ISWC 2006 Technical Program

SWC Co-Chairs
Peter Mika
Mike Uschold
SWC Advisory Board
Dean Allemang
Jürgen Angele
Mike Dean
Stefan Decker
Jérôme Euzenat
Ian Horrocks
Atanas Kiryakov
Michel Klein
Deborah McGuinness
Rob Shearer
Amit Sheth
York Sure
Ubbo Visser
Peter Mika
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Sciences - dep. of Computer Science
De Boelelaan 1081a
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 598 7753
Department fax: +31 20 598 7653
Email: pmika at

Copyright forms are required for all accepted papers
are are due August 25, 2006. Forms can be downloaded from [here].
Please send via fax or post to:
Attn: Jennifer Golbeck
8400 Baltimore Ave, Suite 200
College Park, MD 20740