Technical Links
On this page you'll find all of the metadata for ISWC2006, as well as the Semantic Web tools that make us of it.
The Tools
The Data
ISWC2006 Core Data
A temporary SPARQL endpoint has been set up to allow access to all conference data, including papers, authors and talks. The URL is the following: (the URL of the actual SPARQL endpoint) (an HTML interface, in case you want to try out your own queries)
Here is an example query for the title's of all paper presentations:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ical: <>
PREFIX eswc: <>
SELECT ?title
{ $talk rdf:type eswc:PaperPresentation.
$talk ical:summary $title}
The same query, but this time we construct a graph with all talks and their titles:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ical: <>
PREFIX eswc: <>
CONSTRUCT { $talk ical:summary $title }
{ $talk rdf:type eswc:PaperPresentation.
$talk ical:summary $title}
And finally, a rather complex query, pairing the titles of all talks with the name of each talk's paper's first author! ;-)
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ical: <>
PREFIX eswc: <>
PREFIX iswc:
PREFIX swrc_ext:
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT $title $authorName
{ $talk rdf:type eswc:PaperPresentation.
$talk ical:summary $title.
$talk iswc:hasRelatedDocument $paper.
$paper swrc_ext:authorList $authorList.
$authorList rdf:_1 $author.
$author foaf:name $authorName }
FOAF Dataset
Semantic Web Topics Ontology
Created at LSDIS Lab with wiki-based collaborative tools; includes topics from ESWC'06 ontology
this ontology and other sources were used for the semantic-annotations in webpages of this website (more info), see example on Industry Track
The Tools
Semantic Tools
A number of tools from different groups showcase the conference data set:
Eating our own dog food, the Semantic Scheduler shows the conference schedule based on the ISWC metadata. The scheduler dynamically generates a time table, allows to filter by time, session or keyword, and shows you the details of each presentation on the click of a button. Some of the functionality (e.g. personalisation) did not make into the release for ISWC2006, but will be avaliable for the next round of SW conferences. Stay tuned.
The main conference website offers an overview page for each paper in the Research and In-Use tracks, including links to PDFs. Each of these pages is created dynamically from the ISWC metadata set.
SWSE, or Semantic Web Search Engine, is a search and query engine
for Semantic Web data. Using ontologies and the inherent semantics
of RDF, SWSE is able to provide much more accurate search results
than traditional search engines. SWSE is able to index, consolidate and provide
search capabilities over data from a wide range of sources, for example the metadata for ISWC2006. SWSE currently works only with Firefox-based browsers.
Flink is presentation of the scientific work and social connectivity of Semantic Web reseachers, in particular the community of researchers who have contributed their work to the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) series. The information displayed has been extracted automatically from web-accessible information sources (including web pages, FOAF profiles, email lists and publication archives) and has been aggregated using semantic technology. Flink has received a 1st prize at the Semantic Web Challenge in 2004.
| is an open source publication metadata repository for scientific communities. The goal of openacademia is to allow scientists to collect, organize and disseminate publications more efficiently using a combination of novel semantic technologies. Besides an easy to use search interface based on AJAX technology, openacademia allows individual researchers and small groups the possibility to automate frequent tasks such as the merging publication lists and the updating of publication lists on personal or group web pages.
| allows you to navigate arbitrary RDF datasets using an exploration technique called "faceted browsing". This technique lets you easily navigate through unfamiliar datasets, such as the ISWC meta-dataset. BrowseRDF is also represented with a paper here at ISWC2006.
Semantic MediaWiki combines semantic technologies with the successful wiki paradigm of collaborative content management. Semantic annotation and search becomes a
simple part of common wiki-usage, and annotated content is shared on the
Semantic Web in machine-readable OWL/RDF format. Semantic MediaWiki already
powers numerous wikis in different languages and with thousands of registered users, thus truly bringing semantics to the people. Check our ISWC2006 wiki!
/facet is a generic browser for heterogeneous semantic web repositories. It works on any RDFS dataset without any additional configuration. Unique features: 1) Select and navigate facets of resources of any type; 2) Selections based on properties of other, semantically related, types; 3) Semantic autocompletion; 4) Inclusion of facet- specific display options such as a timeline and geographical map.
PhotoStuff is an open source, platform independent (written in Java), image annotation tool which employs an ontology to provide the expressiveness required to assert the contents of an image, as well information about the image (date created, etc.). PhotoStuff allows users to annotate regions of an image with respect to concepts in any ontology specified in RDFS or OWL. It provides the functionality to import images (and their embedded metadata), ontologies, instance-bases, perform markup, and export the resulting annotations to disk or a Semantic Web portal. On the Web portal, additional image browsing interfaces are provided, in addition to a variety of metadata management capabilities (e.g., metadata submission editing and removal, etc). A release which preloads ISWC ontologies and related data is available as either a Macintosh disk image or a zip file (simply unzip and run either or run.bat). In order to get started, a detailed user guide, as well as quick start overview are provided.
LSAB - LSDIS's Semantic Annotation and Browsing:
All throughout iswc06's website, semantic annotation and browsing provides additional data on Topics, People, and Universities.
All such entities are spotted in text and based on this, annotations and browsing can be enabled exploiting semantics, that is, based on their type.
Implementation details are available.
For live demo, simply visit pages such as
Industry Track,
Keynote Talks
(T. Gruber,
R. Studer and
J. Fountain)
as as all pages linked from
Research and
In-Use papers
Contact person for this page: Boanerges Aleman-Meza
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