Augmenting Navigation for Collaborative Tagging with Emergent Semantics
Melanie Aurnhammer | Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Paris |
Peter Hanappe | Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Paris |
Luc Steels | Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Paris |
We propose an approach that unifies browsing by tags and visual features for intuitive exploration of image databases. In contrast to traditional image retrieval approaches, we utilise tags provided by users on collaborative tagging sites, complemented by simple image analysis and classification. This allows us to find new relations between data elements. We introduce the concept of a navigation map, that describes links between users, tags, and data elements for the example of the collaborative tagging site Flickr. We show that introducing similarity search based on image features yields additional links on this map. These theoretical considerations are supported by examples provided by our system, using data and tags from real Flickr users.
5th International Semantic Web Conference, Athens, GA, USA, November 5-9, 2006, LNCS 4273

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