Towards Knowledge Acquisition from Information Extraction
Chris Welty | IBM Watson Research |
J. William Murdock | IBM Watson Research |
In our research to use information extraction to help populate the semantic web, we have encountered significant obstacles to interoperability between the technologies. We believe these obstacles to be endemic to the basic paradigms, and not quirks of the specific implementations we have worked with. In particular, we identified five dimensions of interoperability that must be addressed to successfully populate semantic web knowledge bases from information extraction systems that are suitable for reasoning. We called the task of transforming IE data into knowledge-bases knowledge integration, and briefly presented a framework called KITE in which we are exploring these dimensions. Finally, we reported on the initial results of an experiment in which the knowledge integration process used the deeper semantics of OWL ontologies to improve the precision of relation extraction from text. By adding a simplistic consistency-checking step, we showed an 8.7 percent relative improvement in precision over a very robust IE application without that checking.
5th International Semantic Web Conference, Athens, GA, USA, November 5-9, 2006, LNCS 4273

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