NEWS: bringing Semantic Web Technologies into News Agencies
Jose M. Blazquez | The NEWS Consortium |
Luis Sanchez | The NEWS Consortium |
Ansgar Bernardi | The NEWS Consortium |
Jesus A. Fisteus | The NEWS Consortium |
Angelo Marrara | The NEWS Consortium |
Michael Sintek | The NEWS Consortium |
Manuel Fuentes | The NEWS Consortium |
Norberto Fernandez | The NEWS Consortium |
Zohar Ben-Asher | The NEWS Consortium |
In the current Information Society, being informed is a basic necessityy. As one of the main new business actors, news agencies are required to provide fresh, relevant, high-quality information to their customers. Dealing with this requirement is not an easy task, but, as partners of the NEWS (News Engine Web Services) project, we believe that the usage of Semantic Web technologies could help news agencies in achieving that objective. In this paper we will describe the aims and main achievements of the NEWS pronect, that was just completer.
5th International Semantic Web Conference, Athens, GA, USA, November 5-9, 2006, LNCS 4273

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